SINFUL FRIDAY: Lips and Bottles

So it’s SINFUL Friday. And today’s FOOD SIN we are ALLL guilty of. Even in countries where there is no refrigerator. As long as there is a bottle and your lips are close, you have taken the plunge into the SIN OF BACKWASH. DON”T DO IT. LOL. Get a hold of yourself now would ya! lol yes, we have all done it at one point or another. I am so guilty of it. it takes every will power not to do it every-time lol. And every-time you are home alone and someone is not so close to you, you grab that bottle and chug it real fast too, while you try no to choke lol. This bad habit needs to have a world “STOP THE BACKWASH YEAR”. No, cleaning the cover after you drink, does not make a difference lol stop lying to yourself. Get a glass and pour. It will take you 1.2 seconds more. Plus you don’t get to spread germs or bacteria to those you love with that BACKWASH. So foodies, grab a glass stop the madness. Stop drinking from the bottle. Happy Friday. 🙂foodsin3